To vote in a West Shores board election, or to vote for an amendment to the covenants or lake rules, lot owners must submit the Electronic Voter Designee form, which is available here.

The designee list rolls over for each subsequent election and vote, so you do not need to submit a new form unless you want to change the designee or need to alter email address or cell phone number that you use to receive ballots.

Each residential lot has only one designee and only one vote. Designees representing more than one lot receive one ballot that is weighted for the appropriate number of votes so that only one ballot needs to be cast. Click here for the list of designees as of 01/01/2024.

As of the most recent list, 281 of the 291 lots have an electronic voting designee.

To submit the form, you can scan it or photo it and email, to:, which address is used solely to collect these forms.

Since electronic voting was authorized by covenant amendment in 2019, the HOA has utilized the services of an independent vendor,, to ensure the integrity of our elections and votes.