ESTIMATED COST:   $380,000 which equates to $1,306 lot

OWNERSHIP/COST SPLIT: 51% HOA / 49% SID. With HOA as majority owner, this can be a private, not open to the public, despite SID participation 

HOA FUNDING SCHEME:  HOA would fund $193,800 share from reserves, but restore that sum through annual dues increase of $75.

SID FUNDING SCHEME:  SID would fund its $186,200 share from reserves, and forego levy reductions that might otherwise be possible

PATH FORWARD: Feedback from Lot Owners 1/17 to 2/1. HOA and SID will formulate final proposal. HOA will solicit advisory vote from owners via electronic system for a week during latter part of February. HOA Board intends to authorize if at least 51% (146) of eligible votes (291) are received and 51% of received votes (at least 74) approve.

Pickleball Scoring | What you need to know to get started



Dear HOA Board Members,

Since the West Shores HOA Board of Directors accepts requests and investigates costs for special projects desired by residents, in addition to the request for tennis and pickleball courts we would like to add to those projects a bocce ball court, shuffleboard court and miniature golf course. This additional request may seem absurd however many residents may appreciate these amenities.

We have never seen anyone use the volleyball court or horseshoe pit. At one point someone thought those were great ideas but now they are ready to be replaced by something new and different.  It seems that those residents that want the courts need to have a plan as to how the courts will be used and how they will be maintained in the future. Do they have specific ideas for the courts? Will it mean involvement of an outside group and create additional car traffic? Other considerations include the ongoing cost of maintaining the courts, security, light pollution, and noise for immediate neighbors.

Currently West Shores is known as a lake community and the residents contribute substantially to maintain all aspects of the lake and related services. Additional costs for construction and ongoing maintenance and operation of tennis and pickleball courts should not be imposed on residents that are not interested in the project. If those parties that want the courts are truly adamant, then they should either build the courts on their own property (as they would a swimming pool) or there are several commercial lots available near The View for new business opportunities. Perhaps the residents advocating for this project could pool their money and build an indoor facility for year-round use.

We all have pet projects. We can’t expect West Shores to accommodate the leisure interests of everyone.

One comment – it looks like it is one tennis court based on the drawing. Would it make sense to add a second one if the price difference is not too much?

I just wanted to send a quick message showing our interest and support of puting in tennis courts and pickleball courts down by the park! I know our family would definitely use these!!! And, I think it would be yet another amazing way to allow for the community to engage with one another, especially if a league could be formed for those interested. Finally, with Pickleball being a sport that all ages can really enjoy, I think this would be a unique opportunity for our younger residents and older residents to enjoy time together!

We would love to have tennis / pickle facilities here at West Shores.

RE: Concerning proposed tennis and Pickleball courts

First off, full disclosure, I am a new resident of West Shores, having moved here last September. Admittedly, I am not yet knowledgeable of the “culture” of West Shores.
Every neighborhood has it’s own “culture” formed by the values that are important to the people who choose to live there.
That being said, I remember West Shores as being the new lake front properties, highly desired and sought after. Now I see West Shores as an established community that continues to strive to maintain a culture of lake living at it’s finest.
That brings me to the conversation in progress of the addition of tennis and Pickleball courts. I am not aware of which way the pendulum is swinging, but would like to offer some thoughts of a recent outsider looking in.
While driving through a neighborhood such as West Shores, you are thinking what is it that makes this neighborhood so special, a good place to live. You look at the beautiful homes, the lake and what it has to offer, and the community surroundings. Driving, you see a playground. A playground is not for everyone, but seeing one in the neighborhood speaks of what is valued there, which is a fun and safe place for children to socialize and play. If you see a walking or bike trail, with neighbors walking, talking, or waving hi as they ride by, it speaks volumes that people are happy here. It’s a happy place to be.
Yep, I’m getting to my point concerning the tennis and Pickleball courts. I think you see where I am going. The addition of tennis and Pickleball courts to a neighborhood shows a culture that values health, wellness, and vibrancy. It’s a place for families and friends to enjoy the outdoors and each other that is not specifically on the lake.
I think it is important for a community such as West Shores not to become complacent that this is a valued and sought after place to live, (Which it is!) but to continue to strive to make it even better! We all want West Shores to be be a place where neighbors old and new, of all ages and interests, will thrive and be proud to call this our home.
Again, with full disclosure, I am an avid tennis and Pickleball player, who hopes to meet you on the West Shores Community Courts.
Thank you to our HOA who works on our behalf.

I think building sports courts at the park in Westshores is a great idea. I’ve always been interested in learning to play pickle ball and I feel it would be great to get the neighborhood involved in some new activities. I think the tennis/pickle ball courts would be a great asset to our community.

Please allow me to preface my thoughts on possibly having West Shores pickleball courts…I am a member of Pickleball Omaha.  They use a sign-up list for play. At each and every session, there are people disappointed because there simply aren’t enough courts.  That speaks to the popularity of the sport.

The volleyball court at the park has had little if any use.  Before you decide about pickleball courts, may I make a suggestion: See if someone (not me) would volunteer to try and organize a West Shores pickleball league. This is a fairly big community.  If there are at least 20-30 West Shores residents willing to join a West Shores league, that should equate to regular and consistent use of the courts.  In addition to a league, there should be some recreational play from other neighbors, people that want to learn the game, those that would use the courts for practice, etc. With the aforementioned in mind, my vote would be yes please lets install the courts.

Thank you for your indulgence.

Hi HOA board,
We just wanted to join in with the others on the lake and say how amazing it would be if Westshores installed tennis and pickle ball courts!
Having this actually happen would be beneficial to so many families out here who currently play either sport not to mention those willing to learn.

To: WestShores Homeowner’s Board

I have been a Pickleball player for 7 years now and LOVE the sport. I play 5 days a week at different locations around the city, but all are a long drive from WestShores. I play with many, many different people, 5 of which are from WestShores, and who knows how many others there may be. I feel as though there would be a lot of interest and the courts would be used every day…I don’t know about tennis, but I’m guessing there would be lots of use of those courts as well.

I realize they are expensive to put in, but if they are put to good use, it is a win for the community. I don’t know how we plan to secure the courts for our own residents’ use, but as far as scheduling court time, that could be done rather easily with an app called PlayTime Scheduler. If all residents were aware of this and sessions were set up, I think the courts would be used on a daily basis and no one would think this idea a waste of money.

I vote yes for the courts! Thanks for the consideration.

I am a member of pickleball Omaha and play with at least 5 members from Westshores. I would definitely use the courts. I think it would be beneficial to set up times with Playtime scheduler so it will be fair for members to sign up and no one needing to be in charge. I would love to play daily at these courts

Thumbs up to the tennis/pickleball court, although it would be nice if it was more multifunction with basketball hoop(s) and a net that can serve as a volleyball net as well.  The comment that “nobody uses the volleyball court” is very black and white.  My daughter uses it quite a bit to practice her serving and I also see people playing on the court once in a while. 

I believe approval of this costly project by as few as 25 percent of all residents to be a huge mistake and perhaps against HOA bylaws and authorizations. Please recall that under a previous Board we spent around $10,000 for park improvements. These improvements included a sand volleyball court, horseshoe pit., and privacy fenced porta potty. At that time Westshore residents supported these inexpensive improvements and indicated widespread usage, which, with the exception of the porta potty, has simply not been the case.. I would suspect that if constructed 25 or so residents might thoroughly enjoy the benefits of the proposed park improvements at the expense of 250 plus other residents. Furthermore will the ongoing costs of maintenance of the courts also be borne by all residents?? Again, for the benefit and enjoyment of the few?? As our elected representative your task is to represent ALL residents and not just a vocal minority and allow 25 % of our community to pass this costly proposal. Lastly, please remember that the vast majority of our cash reserve has always been dedicated to LAKE IMPROVEMENTS or MAINTENANCE.. The proposed pickleball and tennis court has absolutely nothing to do with protecting the most important asset at Westshores.....namely Westshores Lake. Please enter my comments into the record. Thank you

fully support the proposed addition of tennis and pickle ball courts. These are sports that can be played and enjoyed by people of all ages. In addition, the courts will provide added and diverse amenities to our beautiful area and will increase the value and attractiveness of our homes/properties. Finally, the projected costs and payment structure of the proposal is extremely reasonable. This is a win/win proposition on all accounts and please count us as avid supporters. We also agree that it may be worthwhile to add a second tennis court if cost efficient to do so.

I read the comments on this proposal from another homeowner and totally agree with them. We are not in favor of building the tennis court for several reasons. Also, if some homeowners want to have it, they can pay the cost and would only have access to the court.

1). We lived in Linden park before moving to WS. They build a court and it didn’t get used like people thought. Then, the court needed on going upkeep and looked bad.

2) The cost per lot of $1,306 isn’t something we should take on. What will our dues be in 5 and 10 years. We are going to price ourselves out with too high of dues.

3)Also, the up keep would eventually increase our dues more that $75. per year.

4) I have played tennis and pickle ball in the past. I can go the Elkhorn and gyms around here.

5) Also, as was mentioned earlier. If we do this, then why not a golfing range, bocce ball, and other activities.

6) We should need to have a 75% approval for this.

Thank you and I hope that all the home owners seriously look at all the consequences of this before voting for it.

Courts – We are in favor of adding the courts.

Our yearly dues have already gone up and now to add $75. Not everyone will enjoy the tennis and pickle ball courts, yet all will have to pay. We would rather see a swimming pool be put in. Not everyone has the same ideas of what to do for exercise. Those that don't want a swimming pool would not like their dues go up do the interest of a few. Look at the sand volleyball courts and horseshoes, you never see them being used. Please keep our dues down and don't make all of us pay for some people's whims.

I think pickleball courts in some form would greatly enhance the neighborhood and provide an opportunity for residents to get to know each other. I have met a handful of West Shore residents at the Twin Rivers YMCA in Valley through pickleball. It could be a draw to whatever eating establishment is built at the event center. People of all ages play pickleball but it is especially popular among older adults because it is not especially physically taxing but you are still able to get some aerobic benefits. It is the fastest growing sport in America and is very social. There are three main pickleball courts in the Omaha area and they are all open to the public and none of them have lights. The closest one is located at Stone Creek, 168th and Kansas Ave (just south of Ida). The courts are identical to the one proposed for West Shores sans lights and the private feature. Outdoor courts are used in the spring and summer when it stays lighter longer. Based on conversations that I have had with people that play there, there have been issues related to noise, heavy traffic or an attraction for undesirables. The Stone Creek courts attracts participants from several surrounding neighborhoods while West Shores, which is more isolated, would likely be used by the neighborhood and residents from nearby lake communities. I would recommend revisiting the plan and paring down the size, eliminating the lights, the locks and the private feature in order to reduce the cost and eliminate the possibility of "light pollution" and a greater contribution by the SID.

I played racquet sports (tennis, squash, badminton, ping pong, racquetball) most of my life and some competitively; therefore I support the initiative to build courts at West Shores.

Since aging takes a toll on the body I look forward to learn and play pickleball.

My family and I want to let the HOA know that we strongly support the Pickleball and Tennis Court Proposal.  We would love to be able to use both the pickleball and tennis courts.  

We agree that the addition of tennis and pickleball courts to West Shores would create an image of a neighborhood that values health, wellness, and vibrancy.   It would be a place for families and friends to enjoy the outdoors and have fun. 

Thank you to our HOA who works on our behalf.

I would like to comment on the addition of pickleball courts to West Shores. Our HOA does a great job of promoting social events like the Progressive Dinner, the Fourth of July event & the End of Summer party but all these events involve alcohol. Why not promote a fun, healthy activity that the entire family could enjoy?
As the fastest growing sport in America, our family believes this would be a huge, positive addition to our community.
Thank you for considering.

1. Based on the proposal, the HOA will have 51% ownership of the courts and 0% of the land. If challenged on “private” status can the HOA support the private status with NO ownership in the land? The “private” status is extremely important.

2. Part of the charm of West Shores is NOT having all the city lights. I feel the lights should be eliminated!

3. There are no costs included for a reservation system. How is this going to be handled?

4. How will ongoing costs be handled? Will there be a small charge to use the courts to cover these costs?

Dear West Shores HOA & neighbors,

Regarding: The pickle ball/tennis courts construction proposal

Firstly, I feel we need to be respectful of the wishes of ALL, Immediate residents at West Shores.
If some residents wish construction of the courts, not only for their own play, but to invite friends and extended family members to use the courts, then the cost of construction and maintenance should not be the burden of ALL immediate lot owners.

I have lived in 3 private communities where locked tennis courts were built for the recreational user. Special surface coatings were even applied to enhance the playing surface and help with maintenance. But, after the novelty of the new courts wore off, maintenance of the courts and nets became an unfair cost to all.

Granted, pickle ball has gained huge popularity. And, the many public and member sites offering recreational and league play has increased as well. Our immediate, local community centers and parks offer great opportunities for the play of both sports as well. In my opinion, the “serious” tennis and pickle ball player is likely NOT to be an avid user of the courts at West Shores. And, the monetary burden to be imposed on all lot owners seems terribly unfair.

HOA dues have already been increasing, and efforts to increase them by $75.00 each year to replenish the proposed, HOA reserves expenditure for construction and maintenance of the courts, will likely, be never ending. And to say there are reserves in the SID fund that may pay for part of the courts construction, we homeowners have already paid for that also. So, we all have actually been paying into both cash reserve accounts.

If we, indeed, have such large sum reserves proposed for the courts construction, why then, are our dues continuing to increase? And, I believe, our HOA reserves are primarily in place to protect our community’s greatest asset, OUR LAKE. Likewise, SID reserves should be employed for the fairness to all of our homeowners and be used for levy reductions. Or, perhaps, we may lessen our SID fees, issue a future credit or reimbursement.

Why not have the proponents of the pickle ball/tennis courts pool their OWN resources for construction, and perhaps even still use the West Shores park site? And they may also monitor the security, reservations for use and the on-going maintenance.

We are against the pickleball/tennis court proposal. The project appears overly expensive and, like the sand volleyball /horseshoe pits, would be used only by a handful of residents. Also, we feel the lighting would be a real blight to the appearance of the neighborhood. Further, we are concerned about the ongoing maintenance costs. Finally, please consider the liability exposure and possible effect on the HOA Insurance premiums.

The idea of having tennis and pickleball courts at West Shores is FABULOUS!!! Both are fun activities that encourages physical activity and community building. In fact, Pickleball is the fastest growing sport currently. There is no doubt this would be a “WIN" for our
West Shores Community. It is a small fee to pay to have such a value add!